my preciouses


"Let's make this the best school year yet, 'Kay?"

◦ let me be so straight up. froyo squad is one of the best things that's happened to me this year. they absolutely deserve their own comic and it's so awesome how y'all just came up with this one night. i haven't been too involved because i've been doing personal projects, i.e. this fucking site, but considering i am a component of froyosquad, i should at least try to participate, and i am fully willing to do so.

plan three!!!

"three socially inadequate individuals just having fun making videos!" ME FOUR GUYS ME FOUR. AGHHHH

◦ i was gonna make a sob story about how recreyo ending tore me apart but plan 3 made me feel whole again or whatever but honestly, becoming a plan 3 fan was like returning to my home town after the rollercoaster of college. it's different, i'm different, but the connection is still there and i feel at peace. stephen and hosuh's relationship was something i loved during danplan times, and to watch it return with hart in the mix is such a great experience for me. i hope the best for the three of them in whatever antics they get up to, because no matter what i'll be standing behind them. like. far behind them. because parasocial relationships.

dungeon meshi!!

"ah, yes.. delicious in dungeon." or however the fuckin' line goes. i forgot already.

◦ i came into the anime expecting doomed yuri, and honestly even if it wasn't what i expected, i did still enjoy it. A lot. all the characters were interesting to me and the relationships and between all the different species and explorations of them captivated me. also magic shenanigans. i'm not really sure what to say but if you have netflix (or enjoy piracy) and enjoy fantasy stories i def reccomend watching this !!

sad boyz podcast!

"welcome to sad boyz, a podcast about feelings... and other things also." aka my current favorite podcast that have some of my favorite creators of all time holy fuck.

◦ not even kidding, listening to this podcast not only makes for good bg sound but also when you do actually internalize what they say, some of the lessons are?? great?? like i was watching the one w bdg and ify nwadiwe earlier today and it genuinely hit hard for me on the part about holding friends accountable due to some past experiences. i ended up skipping some of it but i know my discomfort means there are still feelings i want to impact.
as someone also with adhd, it's nice seeing creators i enjoy talking about having adhd and being open about their mental health and honestly, listening to them while dealing with what i've experienced in the past few months has helped a LOT. 10/10 podcast please listen
